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wing header Fafe wing header

map of rally stage fafe
11.1 km Asphault Gravel


portugal country illustration

The 11.18-km special stage with a great view of cars flying through the jump at the end of the stage.

Running through the Fafe town centre, you will be challenged by sections of asphalt and cobblestones

car drifting on a gravel
car drifting on a gravel leaving a dust trail

Rallying is such a big deal in Fafe that the town houses its own museum celebrating the sport’s long-standing link to the region, the Museu do Rali.

car drifting on a gravel
car jumping through fafe finish line

wing header Bunnings wing header

map of rally stage bunnings
36.84 km Gravel


australia country illustration

A mixture of low and high-speed corners
added by a natural amphitheater view at the water crossing

sliding sideways through the watersplash and up the hill to the finish line.

5 cars driving on mud
two cars on a road

High-speed corners, low speed corners, big jumps
and a spectacular water crossing in the surrounds
which is perfect for spectators.

two subarus on side of the road
a blue subaru jumps on a road

wing header Ouninpohja wing header

map of rally stage ouninpohja
33 km Gravel


finland country illustration

special stage that features high-speed jumps
and sweeping corners

Many challenging jumps along the way all connected by slippery gravel roads with hairpins, crests and clouds of dust.

toyota jumps on a road
toyota car on a gravel road

Since ouninpohja is a challenging stage, safety is priortized. this stage will definitely test drivers' skill and potential.

car drifting
volkswagon car making a big jump

wing header Col De Turini wing header

map of rally stage col de turini
31 km Snow Tarmac


france country illustration

Notorious for its narrow roads and
tight hairpin turns along with beautiful landscapes

The stage is run from La Bollène-Vésubie to Sospel, or the other way around, over a steep and tight mountain road with many hairpin turns.

overview of col de turini haripin turns
toyota yaris on a hair pin turn

the Col de Turini features one of the most famous
special stages in the world and is the technical centrepiece of the rally.

ford on a snowy mountain road
ford on a hairpin turn with landscape view

wing header Whaanga Coast wing header

map of the rally stage whaanga coast
29.82 km Gravel


newzealand country illustration

Where drivers go through sharp rocks and greenery
on their right side and a steep cliff on their left side.

Features a combination of fast open farmland and tight, twisty and cambered coastal road.

ford car drifting
car drifting with a view of the coast

Located just south of the Raglan township, Whaanga Coast sets breathtaking scenery with a rugged, rocky, gravel road.

blue subaru with a landscape view
green ford with a landscape view of the coast
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green car with headlights on